I am an Expert in the Oracle apex application. Have expertise in Database Design, SQL, PL/SQL. .
Exam Title: DDD Concentration/Major: Database, SQL, PLSQL Result: Awarded, Duration: 2 Years
Exam Title: Kamil (Masters) Concentration/Major: Hadith, Result: CGPA 4.05, Duration: 2 Years.
Exam Title: Fazil (BTIS) Concentration/Major: Islamic Studies, Result: CGPA 3.17, Duration: 3 Years.
Exam Title: Highier Secondary Certificate, Concentration/Major: General, Result: GPA 4.25, Duration: 2 Years.
Exam Title: Secondary School Certificate(SSC), Concentration/Major: General, Result: GPA 4.56, Duration: 2 Years.
Training Title: Database Design and Development , Topic: SQL, PLSQL, Oracle Application Express Development, Duration: 14 Month
Duties/Responsibilities: Application Development, Database Administration, Oracle Forms and Reports Development, Application Express(APEX)
Area of Expertise
Billing (0.5 yr), Office Management (0.5 yr), Sales & Marketing (0.2 yr)
Bill making, Vouchers checking, Office Management, Daily record update, etc.
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.
House 4, Road 12, Shekhertek, Mohammadpur, Dhaka